If you are having issues accessing your account, it could be the result of one of these things:
Your account may not have been set up. If you are a new client and have never accessed your account before, please see this article for steps to enable your account.
- Your password may need to be reset. If you have logged into your account before and are a current North Star Tutors client, please try to reset your password here.
Your account may have been deactivated. If you have accessed your account before, but have not received instruction recently, your account may have been marked as inactive. To have your account reactivated, please email us at support@northstar-tutors.com or submit a ticket within this support portal.
If you are unable to resolve the issue, or these solutions do not work for you, please do not hesitate to submit a ticket here or email support@northstar-tutors.com and one of our representatives will be happy to assist!