Academic tutoring and SAT individual prep sessions are each one hour long, while music lessons are each 45 minutes long. We have found that these are the optimal lengths of time for most students to be able to adequately focus and retain information.
Since students' ability to stay on task varies greatly between students, younger students in particular may need a 5 minute break in the middle of the session in order to refresh their minds. North Star Tutors and Frontier Tutoring do not schedule or require breaks for certain students, but the tutoring specialist may communicate directly with the parent if the student seems to require a break in the middle of each lesson or is otherwise having trouble paying attention.
Can we do shorter or longer sessions?
While the minimum session lengths are an hour for tutoring and 45 minutes for music lessons, students are able to request longer sessions with the instructors. Availability for longer sessions will depend on the schedule of the tutoring specialist. Longer sessions will be scheduled and billed as if they were multiple sessions. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out!